Part 58: 09/12/09 - 09/14/09

Alright, so, uh, this is an awkward stretch of time for my cunning plan of just blitzing Kenji's link to get it done. He's only available for 3 days a week after all...

Didn't really get any info there, at all, to keep in mind for way down the line. Oh well.

...Huh, that's an unexpected use for magic all things considered.

That's both kinda very not stupid, and also implicitly still a thing. Junpei holds his swords like a baseball bat, swings it like a bat rather than using it like, well, a sword... and even yells out "home run!" when attacking.

The only thing that, to me anyway, sorta detracts from this scene is that it's not super clear if Chidori is being sincere or still just trying to manipulate Junpei. It feels like the latter, but...

Well, anyway, we'll just go and hang out with Fuuka. This'll enable the Sunday date to be genuinely useful.

> Fuuka seems to be feeling guilty.

...So, what did she get out of this, exactly? She took a photo and used it as blackmail material for [benefit missing]?

> Fuuka is staring at her feet.

> Fuuka has expressed her feelings for you...
> Your relationship with her has reached a new level...

This really genuinely feels misplaced. It doesn't make sense to occur at this point. It seems like this is just because it can't really run the risk of being an issue if it was any later than rank 7. The way to solve that is either: pace these things better, or don't do this terrible and stupid mechanic.

> Fuuka ran away...
> ......
> You have decided to go back to the dorm.
...Well, I'm glad the scene is finally about something other than "hey Fuuka is bad at cooking!" even if it's just a blatant and bizarrely lazy reskin of a similar plot beat from Chihiro's link.

I do like stuff like this and Shinji having fed Koromaru before the latter came to the dorm. It's a nice way to have Shinji demonstrate that he's not just a stand offish generic badass.
...It's still pretty cliche, but hey. Koromaru owns.

It's kinda nice, but also weird, that one of the most recurring segments from the TV is just an update on the exchange rate. It's a world building thing, but man.

And since it's Saturday, we'll just... hang out with Mutatsu for the first time on a Saturday.

Huh, well, that ends that pattern then! For the first time, this hits an even number.

Well, we know pretty clearly what we're gonna be doing today since we've already made plans in advance and all.

Oh, so it's the proto Shokugeki no Soma. Or, uh, the one that isn't Yakitate!! Japan at least.
> Fuuka seems to be enjoying herself.

> Fuuka seems a bit nervous.

> It's getting dark out.
> You decide to go back to the dorm.
So, uh, this was actually a lot more important than it seemed. See, we need 40 points to get Fuuka to rank 8, right? And the rank 7 scene gives a maximum of, uh, 0.

This implicitly raises a good point, though. If Shinji's a great cook, who does the cooking here...? Presumably no one, really, but...

The sudden introduction of a new group of antagonists is some primo tokusatsu stuff right there.

Junpei seems to be less mope-y now, so he's hanging out with people again!

Junpei has such an "Oh God, that's never happened before!" reaction here. Huh.

Well, hey, it's Sunday so we'll go finish off the week by spending time with Mutatsu.

Honestly, ridiculously cheesy and over-the-top but... not in a way that owns...

> Mutatsu thanked you from the bottom of his heart...
> You feel like you fully understand him now.

Chi You is, uh, something that we might not even get to honestly! Much like with how Beelzebub was a very high level, Chi You is as well. He's level 86, which puts him even higher than Beelzebub. Yeesh!

> You watched Mutatsu walk away with his head held high...
> You carried the Reserve Tag back to the dorm.
I'm not sure we really needed the cocktail ingredients for that metaphor, but okay.

I am noticing a bit of a trend where Makoto is "helping" people by... not helping them, really. The less he does, the better things are turning out. Mostly.

Listening: A haunted house. I bet I'll be stuck playing the ghost.
Gossiping: Being a ghost isn't so bad. You can just show up and put on the costume. I have to do a magic show... By the way, did you hear a typhoon is on its way? I hear it's a big one... The school will be empty.
Well, that might present a bit of a problem if it really does happen. Fortunately(???), I don't think there's gonna be a typhoon at the same time as anything important or relevant. Or as anime as a Culture Festival.

Probably noticed by now that I have a bit of a habit of tempting fate when we hit a 3rd/4th day depending on length. The game usually responds by throwing an Edogawa lecture at us. I almost did it again here, but didn't and so we just got nuclear energy laws instead. Whew.

Junpei's hangin' around at school today, which is a bit of a surprise. He's still being pretty Junpei though, and utilising a convenient excuse to not do work.

Well, uh, she is stood right there so maybe, I dunno, go talk to her...???

Speaking of just talking to someone, we'll just go see Fuuka again. We do have that pesky timelimit thing to deal with now, so the quicker we get this done the better.

This can seem very out of place here. A lot of times, Makoto might easily come off as not all that positive.

> You understand how Fuuka feels.
> Your relationship with her has grown...

Technically there aren't any "wrong" answers here. They all count as "right," but this one that you could easily see as a pretty manipulative answer is the best one.

> After saying goodbye to Fuuka, you decided to go back to the dorm.
In my opinion, this makes a better spot to put the dumb timelimit if you really have to do it here. At least technically this time we get the pretense of having agency over whether or not this goes in this direction. It'd be better if you actually DID have that agency, but, well...

Ohey, Ikutsuki's here tonight. That's a bit unexpected, considering there's no plot scene and we're a week after the full moon.

And you were there for the ninth and even fought against it.

We're in the locker room to interview the winners! You guys did great out there! Yeeek! Th-The beer's... so cold...!

Junpei bringing up the typhoon doesn't mean much on its own, I guess, but notable is that he doesn't mention it impeding the hospital or Chidori.
I can only presume from there that things are, in their own way at least, beginning to settle down and he's genuinely becme less mopey in general now. Which sorta makes sense, all things considered.
But, hey, I think now's as good a time as any to finally go back to Tartarus and see what's in store for us there.

To that end, we need ot consider our options here. Yukari's technically pretty good for damage, but she's definitely better at utility and support. In a few levels, she'll become even better at it but the sad irony is that anything that (Me) Petra cures... prevents her from casting it. Which'd be more of a problem if it mattered, at all, ever.

With Shinji around now, Junpei's signficantly less useful at his one thing. That his next skill is Counter just really highlights that. He's no longer the most useful Strength guy, he's not a great tank, his actual attacking skills are all pretty weak and need upgrading, one of his two support spells is Re Patra which is reprehensibly bad...

Akihiko's not quite got the same Strength as Junpei, but... it's very, very close wow. The difference here is that Akihiko's only Strength skill is still Sonic Punch which has looooong since been outclassed in every way. That he still has Dia means he's technically our worst person for healing (even Junpei has two Medicinal Powders), but he has all 3 single target -ndas now so he can debuff anything. A few levels away from being the first person to learn an elemental boost skill naturally isn't too shabby either. Probably won't happen for a while, but it's something.

Mitsuru hasn't changed overly much since pre-Hermit. Her skillset isn't gonna get an upgrade for 9 levels which is a gap we haven't seen since very early game Yukari. The Varuna Bracers help make up for it somewhat, plus she can just keep going without needing to return to the 1F, which helps immensely. On paper anyway.

Aigis is a level away from being similar to Junpei, but even less effective at attacking but much better at surviving. And she has more support as well, sorta.

On paper, Koromaru might just be our worst party member. He makes up for it with those two immunities of course, but he's pretty lacking in terms of combat use outside of being the hardest dog to hit.
...and he makes up for it by being Koromaru in the first place which is much more important, sure.

Ken's simple, but not super-great. Like Akihiko, he's sort of a generalist statistically but with marginally better Magic and worse Strength. He's not as useful at support, Cruel Attack gives him a useful edge if we can't get an AOA due to like missing or something I guess, and Hama is straight up handy at removing trash. Hamaon is even better, of course, but neither means much for fights that matter.

Shinji's the exact opposite. He's simple, but to his benefit. He only has 2 skills that are actively usable, but Fatal End is still realy dang strong (especially with Shinji's 35 Strength) and Evil Smile inflicts Fear on every enemy which makes it even stronger. He's not got much in the way of variety, so if something resists Phys he's pretty much shit outta luck, and his next skill being Counterstrike isn't super-great either. It's an upgrde to Counter, sure, but he already has the best version thanks to Elizabeth.
Same as usual here: